Archive for November, 2008

Google Analytics can track Flash

Tuesday, November 18th, 2008

Google Analytics now can track activity in Flash. This means that Flash sites and components can be built in such a way as to provide visibility into user behavior. The Google Analytics Tracking for Adobe Flash component must be incorporated into your Flash content, thus you will need to make changes to your files, not [...]

Measure your failures

Monday, November 17th, 2008

“We know we’re doing well because our web statistics tell us that we’re getting a lot of traffic from searches on beige widgets.” What’s wrong with this statement?
The speaker is focusing on their successes. This is a good strategy for ego reinforcement, but it’s a terrible way to find business opportunities. The biggest potential for [...]

On-Demand Indexing for Google Site Search

Friday, November 14th, 2008

If you’re using Google Site Search to provide search functionality on your site, there’s some good news. They have just rolled out On-Demand Indexing: you can tell them that your content should be re-indexed whenever you want, such as after content additions or changes.
NOTE: This indexing does not affect the main search engine index, just [...]

Twitter our blog

Friday, November 14th, 2008

Learn about new posts via Twitter at

Custom Reports in Google Analytics

Friday, November 14th, 2008

We recently wrote about Google Analytics’ advanced segments functionality. They are also working on Custom Reports features that allow you to quickly build your own tools for analyzing your profiles.
The Custom Reports section allows you to use almost any parameter available in Google Analytics. Reports consist of data table and associated charts. The charts are [...]

How to lose friends and influence people

Wednesday, November 12th, 2008

Bad behavior sometimes gets caught, and sometimes it sends messages, mixed ones.
SEOmoz recently wrote about a court case in which NetQuote successfully sued MostChoice for submitting false insurance quote requests. Their behavior was so blatant (hiring someone to submit requests for 20-25 hours each week) that the jury doubled the punitive damages requested by NetQuote.
We [...]


Sunday, November 2nd, 2008

Have you made your plans to vote? If you received a mail-in ballot, have you sent it in or set aside some time for it? It’s your vote, your chance to have a say in the chief influencers and issues that affect us all. Web 1 Marketing encourages you to do your research, know the [...]