Ghost blogging

Sometimes you want a blog but don’t have the time or expertise to write customer- and search-engine-friendly content. You know that all that up-to-date content improves your image and helps your search engine rankings. But who has time to come up with good, on-topic content several times a week?

We frequently are asked by prospective and existing clients about starting a blog. “Won’t this help our ranking?” “Will it get us more customers?” Depending upon many factors, the answer is a qualified and highly variable “yes.” We always couch this with the caveat that they must have regular postings that their customers are at least somewhat likely to read. This isn’t easy to do unless your day-to-day job includes a lot of writing. Also most clients don’t have the bandwidth add this additional task.

So why not have a hired-gun do the work for, a “ghost blogger”? It’s pretty easy to do, and often very cost effective. We have helped several clients start and maintain blogs that have increased their rankings and garnered modest readership. Good copywriters can help you identify and write for your audience, learn about your products and services and then develop appropriate content.

If you’re interested in having blog content developed for a new or existing blog, contact us today.

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One Response to “Ghost blogging”

  1. Who you gonna call? Ghost bloggers. « Writer Way Says:

    […] Call me. I’m a ghost blogger. […]