Google ads click-to-call to mobile AdWords ads

Google recently announced that AdWords advertisers could enable click-to-call phone numbers for AdWords ads that are rendered on mobile devices with full browsers. This includes, most notably, iPhones.

As shown above, the phone number is displayed in the ad. When the user clicks on the phone number, their phone automatically dials it.

This service is most likely to benefit click-and-mortar retailers and local services like restaurants, theaters, and real estate agents.

Full instructions for enabling mobile click-to-call can be found at the Google AdWords blog.

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2 Responses to “Google ads click-to-call to mobile AdWords ads”

  1. Alex Says:

    Has anyone tried these yet? Any feedback – does it really works? How is the conversion rate?

  2. Josh Says:

    Alex, we have not used it or seen any data about it yet. Please let us know if you do.