Reporting AdWords Abuse

There are various kinds of AdWords abuse, each with different reporting actions.

Reporting AdWords Click-Fraud
If you feel that you are the victim of click fraud, document as much information as you can about the suspected abuse. Gather and keep log files, and be ready to identify within them where suspected fraudulent clicks occur. Create and save AdWords reports that cover the period of the suspected click fraud, and create a daily report to show day-to-day variations or consistency of the clicks. Once armed with this data, you’re ready to contact Google.

Trademark Abuse
If an advertiser is misusing your trademark in AdWords ads, Google might stop running the offending ads. Read the AdWords Trademark Complaint Procedure for more information.

Violating AdWords Editorial Guidelines
If you find an advertiser is abusing the Google AdWords Editorial Guidelines, you can send a message via the help center support request form.

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