Using Yahoo Site Explorer

Yahoo Site Explorer is a handy tool for examining how Yahoo has indexed a website and what sites link back to it. It is similar to Google’s Webmaster Tools.

The tool can be used to show the indexed pages in a domain and all subdomains as well as “inlinks” (in-bound links) to the page or domain.

If you are authenticated for a particular website, you have access to much more information. Authentication requires placement of a file with a special code on that website in order to confirm that you do in fact have access to the site source. Authentication then provides several new features:

  • Monitor and manage the feeds you have submitted for the site.
  • See when crawlers last visited the site and updated the index.
  • Resubmit your feed to let Yahoo know when it has been updated.
  • See what subdomains are known to Yahoo!
  • View additional metadata about the URLs from your site.

This data can be used to check if content is being indexed, how often it is being visited, and who is linking to it.

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  1. Using Google Webmaster Tools Says:

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