Yahoo search trends

Yahoo! Clues is a new tool that offers insight into search trends. Think of it as a version of Google Trends that only provides a month’s worth of data. It does try to provide additional demographic information such as gender and income breakdown, but this data almost certainly only applies to the very small portion of users that are logged into Yahoo and have specified this information in their profile. There is one interesting feature: Search Flow. This shows what keywords search for before and after the keywords you are examining. For instance, people search on “search engine optimization” often follow it with another search on “search engine marketing” or “search engine submission”. This might have some utility for PPC advertising and SEO, providing additional target keywords, however it does not provide any quantitative data about these queries.

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One Response to “Yahoo search trends”

  1. Sammie Clemmons Says:

    It is interesting that Yahoo is developing something similar to Google Trends, even if it is a more limited version. Members of my bizwebforum seem to think that Yahoo is down and close to being out when it comes to search. The SearchFlow feature shows some promise.