What should be the proper nomenclature for advertising on search engines? Corollary: what does Search Engine Marketing mean? I am personally in favor of a semi-concerted effort among those of us who practice search engine advertising to call it that (SEA), not search engine marketing (SEM).

Just as marketing is much broader than advertising, search engine marketing (SEM) has historically been and should, in my opinion, be a broad term covering various disciplines like search engine advertising and SEO. Initially this seemed to be the usage promulgated by practitioners, but lately it seems to me that the media and online marketing neophytes have latched onto the idea that SEM refers specifically to advertising programs like AdWords, Yahoo Sponsored Search, and MSN adCenter.

What are your thoughts?

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3 Responses to “SEO, SEM, … SEA?”

  1. Josh Freedman Says:

    On the lighter side: In the spirit of XML, maybe we should agree on a universal namespace for search engine practices and call it SEX.

  2. 1975jmr 侯壮马 Says:

    I’ve just read that SEO = SEM + SEA, is it correct ?

  3. Josh Says:

    SEM = SEO + SEA

    Marketing is the umbrella term to for optimization and advertising, just like traditional marketing often includes strategy, advertising, branding, etc.