Archive for the 'Web Analytics' Category

Google Analytics can track Flash

Tuesday, November 18th, 2008

Google Analytics now can track activity in Flash. This means that Flash sites and components can be built in such a way as to provide visibility into user behavior. The Google Analytics Tracking for Adobe Flash component must be incorporated into your Flash content, thus you will need to make changes to your files, not […]

Measure your failures

Monday, November 17th, 2008

“We know we’re doing well because our web statistics tell us that we’re getting a lot of traffic from searches on beige widgets.” What’s wrong with this statement? The speaker is focusing on their successes. This is a good strategy for ego reinforcement, but it’s a terrible way to find business opportunities. The biggest potential […]

Custom Reports in Google Analytics

Friday, November 14th, 2008

We recently wrote about Google Analytics’ advanced segments functionality. They are also working on Custom Reports features that allow you to quickly build your own tools for analyzing your profiles. The Custom Reports section allows you to use almost any parameter available in Google Analytics. Reports consist of data table and associated charts. The charts […]

Advanced Segmentation adds tremendous power to Google Analytics

Wednesday, October 29th, 2008

Google Analytics’ new Advanced Segmentation features add a tremendous level of power and flexibility, opening up new ways to analyze website traffic. Now you can define your own group of visitors and see where they went, what they did, and what they bought. Advanced Segmentation enables you to define “buckets” that your visitors fall into. […]

Analyzing landing pages and e-commerce transactions in Google Analytics

Wednesday, July 16th, 2008

Suppose you have several landing pages for your AdWords campaign or other advertising program, and you want to know which such page is most effective at generating e-commerce transactions. You have Google Analytics reliably tracking e-commerce transactions. You won’t find this information in the e-commerce section, but there are several ways for Google Analytics to […]

Dynamic URL rewriting in Yahoo!

Thursday, September 27th, 2007

Yahoo! is rolling out dynamic URL rewriting configuration to webmasters. What this means is that you can tell the search engine what dynamic URL parameters to ignore, such as sessions variables or tracking parameters that are useful for you but might appear to search engines as though there are many copies of a page at […]

Alexa statistics self-selection skew

Tuesday, March 6th, 2007

Alexa is Amazon’s search engine and web toolbar. The toolbar sends data about its owner’s online behavior back to the Alexa servers which compile the statistics and provide free information — including traffic estimates and popularity rankings — about virtually any remotely popular site on the web. It is tempting to take statistics, particularly free […]

Understanding the Google cache

Thursday, December 28th, 2006

Google and other search engines cache pages, storing copies of them that they use for indexing. You can think of the cache as a snapshot of a page at a moment in time. You can examine the cached copy of a particular page by creating a query like this: You can look at any […]

Using Google Webmaster Tools

Wednesday, December 20th, 2006

Google’s Webmaster Tools shed light on how your website is seen by Google and do various indexing-related tasks. Like the Yahoo Site Explorer we described earlier,  the best functionality is limited to those who can upload a file and thus “verify” themselves as site owners. Once you have done so, you’ll be able to do […]

Using Yahoo Site Explorer

Wednesday, December 20th, 2006

Yahoo Site Explorer is a handy tool for examining how Yahoo has indexed a website and what sites link back to it. It is similar to Google’s Webmaster Tools. The tool can be used to show the indexed pages in a domain and all subdomains as well as “inlinks” (in-bound links) to the page or […]