Archive for March, 2010

Goodbye Yahoo Publisher Network

Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

According to TechCrunch, the Yahoo Publisher Network is being shut down. Participants are being directed to Chitika as an alternative. Yahoo Publisher Network can be thought of as Yahoo’s version of Google AdSense, a program that allows website owners to easily display and gain revenue from ads. This change primarily affects publishers of ads, not [...]

Targeting trademarked words in AdWords: European courts give okay

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010

Google has won a court case in Europe that upholds the right of advertisers to show ads when someone searches on trademarked terms. This case does not address trademarked terms in ad language. This is a big win for advertisers and, as we’ve said before, is consistent with fair use and the rules that apply [...]

CTR explained

Tuesday, March 9th, 2010

A long time ago, we wrote briefly about how higher Click-Through-Rate (CTR) values aren’t always desirable, and our clients often ask how to best interpret the significance of CTR. CTR is literally defined as the percentage of people who viewed an ad that clicked on it.  For example, if an ad is shown 100 times [...]

Social media conversations and making friends

Thursday, March 4th, 2010

Mitch Joel has written another great post, this one about community building in social media. In particular, he points out how the “build and it and they will come” strategy usually doesn’t work. Social media is often portrayed simplistically as a monolithic source for new business, much like a new advertising venue. Instead, it should [...]

Google ads click-to-call to mobile AdWords ads

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010

Google recently announced that AdWords advertisers could enable click-to-call phone numbers for AdWords ads that are rendered on mobile devices with full browsers. This includes, most notably, iPhones. As shown above, the phone number is displayed in the ad. When the user clicks on the phone number, their phone automatically dials it. This service is [...]